How the 34 Strengths Choose A Baby Name
How would the 34 strengths choose a baby name? By "34 strengths," we’re referring to the 34 CliftonStrengths® developed by behavioral psychologist Donald Clifton.
Several of my friends are preparing to have babies. That made me wonder how people with different strengths might choose a baby name. We considered the same thing with Disney World, so we thought we’d do the same with baby names.
How would the 34 strengths choose a baby name? By "34 strengths," we’re referring to the 34 CliftonStrengths® developed by behavioral psychologist Donald Clifton.
Achiever®: You race to find a name so you can check off “Choose Baby Name” on your brand-new baby to-do list
Activator®: You choose a name, paint it on the nursery wall, decide it’s not the right one, repaint the nursery, choose a name, paint it on the wall, decide it’s not the right one, repaint the nursery, and so on
Adaptability®: You wait until the baby is born to “try on names”
Analytical®: You create a spreadsheet of what-if scenarios, first name/middle name combinations, possible pronunciations, feasible alliterations, and then a baby name algorithm
Arranger®: In addition to this baby’s name, you select the names for your future children and arrange the names in the right order
Belief®: You base the baby’s name on your core values, like “Faith,” “Hope” or “Charity”
Command®: You tell your partner what the name’s going to be
Communication®: You share on social media your baby name options and each step of your selection process
Competition®: You create a contest for family and friends
Connectedness®: You have a sense of who the baby will become and name him or her accordingly
Consistency®: You avoid naming the baby after yourself because that would seem unfair to the other children
Context®: You select a meaningful name from history
Deliberative®: You plan the process before you start the process
Developer®: You choose aspirational names that will call out promise and potential
Discipline®: You do not reveal baby names until it’s time
Empathy®: You agonize over not hurting people’s feelings by the name you choose
Focus®: You smile and nod as people give you suggestions, and know all along you won't use any of them
Futuristic®: You research future trends of baby names
Harmony®: You choose a family name from each side of the family and incorporate both into the baby name
Ideation®: You brainstorm names on a dry erase board
Includer®: You choose a popular name that is easily pronounced so your child won't stand out
Individualization®: You choose a unique name that will stand out
Input®: You collect lists of baby names
Intellection®: You discuss the meaning of baby names for hours at a time
Learner®: You consult baby blogs, baby books, baby almanacs, baby vlogs, and the grandma next door
Maximizer®: You start with traditional names and creatively improve them
Positivity®: You choose a name that is fun to say and makes you feel good saying it, like Boden or Pippin
Relator®: You discuss options with a few close friends
Responsibility®: You lay awake in anxiety over the huge task of giving a name to a person, I mean, he or she is going to have this name their whole life, I mean, what if it's wrong or stupid
Restorative™: You choose the name of someone who went awry, so your baby can redeem the name
Self-Assurance®: You name your baby after yourself
Significance®: You honor the legacy of someone who’s passed
Strategic®: You chart out options, rule out detractors, and select the name that will bring the best advantage
Woo®: You ask strangers what to name the baby
How else might the strengths choose a baby name?
Each of the 34 CliftonStrengths theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.