
Video: Christmas Message at the Salvation Army

My coworkers and I served breakfast at the Salvation Army on Christmas Eve morning. I didn't get the chance to share a message, but this is what I would have said.

Merry Christmas. I don't usually visit you via video, but I'm making an exception. Yesterday, I had an interesting experience. A group of coworkers and I shared breakfast at the Salvation Army.

Folks came in who couldn't afford a meal. We had the privilege of sharing breakfast with them, passing it out, and sitting with some of them.

I didn't have the opportunity to share a message with the group, but had I been given the opportunity, this is what I would have shared.

Now, as I share this with you, keep in mind these views are my personal views. Just because I was with my coworkers doesn't mean I represent the company or any of their views.

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